When Every Day is Wild, Veterinarians Value Dependability
Veterinary care can be a challenge under the best of circumstances, but for wildlife centers, the task can be Herculean. Small budgets mean they are often volunteer-run labors of love, much like dog or cat shelters. Unlike those shelters, wildlife rehabilitation requires volunteers who have experience caring for everything from pelicans to turtles to the occasional manatee, who aren’t used to being around people.
Wild animals do their best to hide weakness from potential predators, which means illness and injury end up being hidden from potential caretakers as well. This makes diagnostic capabilities crucial when caring for wildlife. Many wildlife refuges and rehabilitation centers choose MinXray’s portable DR and x-ray systems because they’re built to perform in challenging situations like these.
Wild animals do their best to hide weakness from potential predators, which means illness and injury end up being hidden from potential caretakers as well. This makes diagnostic capabilities crucial when caring for wildlife. Many wildlife refuges and rehabilitation centers choose MinXray’s portable DR and x-ray systems because they’re built to perform in challenging situations like these.